Frequently Asked Question

FAQ: How to send tasks to a group? (FR-EN)
Last Updated 5 years ago

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In Ofys, tasks (but not messages) can be sent to customizable groups (i.e., weekend receptionists, walk-in nurses, etc.).

To send a task to a group, click on the checkmark icon at the top right :



If you were viewing a file or result, the patient will be attached to the task ("Test Christina" in the example below). To send a task that is not related to a patient, click on the red X to remove it.


When your mouse is in the field « Assigned to », you will see the list of groups and users appear. You can also type a few letters to look for one.


Everyone in the group will receive the task. When someone completes it, it will be removed from the others' list (so no need to go through dozens of messages and replies). You can also annotate the task (ex: « message left »). Make sure to also write your initials and the date if you want others to know when it was written and by whom.

Note that when a task is completed, the sender does not receive a notification. You can see if a task has been completed or not by looking it up in the patient’s chart or by looking at your list of sent tasks.


If you need to reply to the person who sent you the task, you have to write a new message. You can copy/paste the text of the task.

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