February 23rd, 2021

Staying active while working

Thanks to the employer, it is possible at Logiciels Info-Data

We often hear that to stay in shape, an adult should take at least 10,000 steps a day. This number represents about 8 km of walking, and an average duration of one hour and 40 minutes. For many North Americans who work at a desk, this is a hard goal to reach, especially if they drive to work or don't enjoy long evening walks!

At Logiciels Info-Data, staying active while working is possible

The president of the company has the health of its employees at heart. This is why, since 2014, elevated office stations with a treadmill are available to Logiciels Info-Data employees. Most employees also have a height-adjustable workstation to allow for both sitting and standing.

Why is this important?

Over the past few years, we have seen sit-stand desks and active desks increase in popularity. Does standing while working really bring benefits? Is sitting really bad for the body?


Since 2014, elevated office stations with a treadmill are available to Logiciels Info-Data employees.

With hindsight, the relevance and effectiveness of these workstations have been proven.

Let's take a look at the conclusions that have emerged.

An increase in productivity of 25 to 50%

The benefits of standing are numerous.

Firstly, research has proven that a person who stands or walks while working increases his or her attention and memory. Moving from a sitting to standing position regularly promotes good blood circulation and therefore helps oxygenate the brain. Thanks to this, some studies note an increase in productivity of 25% to 50%!

Another notable benefit is the reduction of back pain. In addition to its beneficial effects on concentration and productivity, having a greater range of motion allows for better blood circulation in the muscles and offers more space to the vertebrae. It is also more difficult to have a hunched back when standing, which is often one of the causes of sitting injuries.

Physical inactivity: development of diseases and reduced life expectancy

What are the physical problems associated with a sedentary work environment?

First of all, according to several studies on the subject, a sedentary work environment can contribute to the risk of metabolic syndromes (such as diabetes), cancer and depression, leading to a reduction in life expectancy. These risks are present even for people who have an active lifestyle outside of work.

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Hygiene (CCOHH) also confirms this association and adds the risk of cardiovascular disease and varicose veins. Poor blood circulation caused by sitting can also increase feelings of fatigue and have an impact on muscles, which are less oxygenated and more at risk of injury.

According to the CCOHS, a prolonged sitting position puts the spine in a weakened state because the intervertebral discs are under more pressure and wear out more quickly. This is due to the fact that movement is very limited and posture is often not adequate. This same situation leads to additional tension in the lower back, neck, tendons and ligaments.

Finally, Australian researchers have determined that after 10 years of working behind a seated desk, the risk of colon cancer is doubled.

Note that it is not necessary to work in a standing position all day long, but rather to have the option of alternating between the two positions.

An employer who encourages physical exercise beyond the office

In addition to being able to work in a standing position and even to walk while working, the flexible work schedule is another clear advantage of working at Logiciels Info-Data. This flexibility allows employees to temporarily leave their workstation during the day to enjoy the outdoors. Some walkers take the opportunity to do their daily exercise, others take the opportunity to simply get some fresh air, and some have even started the Logiciels Info-Data running club and take advantage of the lunch break to discover the surrounding neighbourhoods. Rain or shine, going out for a breath of fresh air allows employees to return to work invigorated and more focused.

The company also participates in sporting events to support humanitarian causes, such as in September 2018, an event during which the Logiciels Info-Data team took up the challenge of climbing Mont-Saint-Anne as many times as possible.

All the beneficial effects of exercice are reflected in the service offered to clients.

A corporate culture that benefits its clients

The importance Logiciels Info-Data places on the physical well-being of its employees helps reduce back pain for some and stimulates productivity and work well done. Daily movement and all the benefits associated with exercise also contribute to the mental well-being of the employees, and all these beneficial effects are reflected in the service offered to clients.

This is yet another reason why Logiciels Info-Data provides the best service on the market, in Quebec and elsewhere!

References :

- “Call Center Productivity Over 6 Months Following a Standing Desk Intervention”,

- “Long-term sedentary work and the risk of subsite-specific colorectal cancer”,

- “Travailler debout: conseils d’une physiothérapeute pour comprendre vos douleurs et les éviter”,

- “Les bienfaits de travailler debout mis à l'essai”,

- “Travailleurs: debout!”,

- "Centre Canadien d’hygiène et de sécurité au travail”,

- “Les dangers de rester assis”,

- “5 bonnes raisons d’alterner la position assis-debout",

- “Marcher en travaillant est bon pour la santé et la productivité”,