Frequently Asked Question

1.4 Exception drug
Last Updated 4 years ago

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To prescribe an exception drug, write its name in the "name" field as you would for any other drug. When you select the drug from the list, a window like this one will appear (here I used Apixaban). Choose the code corresponding to the payment indication from the drop-down list. Then click on "Use this code".


The selected code will appear in the box "Other information". You can then complete your prescription and print or fax it.

If the exception drug is not in the Drug Code Index, a window like this one will open instead (I used Cymbalta for this example). Select the appropriate form according to the reason and then click on "Open form".


The form will then open on another page. Patient and doctor information will be filled in automatically. Print the form to fill it out and send it to the Régie, or fill it out on screen. It is not possible to send it by fax by Ofys, since there is no RAMQ integration for EMRs for these forms.

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