Frequently Asked Question
2. Multiple screens
Last Updated 3 years ago
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Did you know that you can use Ofys Pro on multiple screens, and open an unlimited number of windows?
Viewing parts of the chart in an external window
When viewing a patient's chart, click on any item (e.g. a lab) to view it. It will open in what is called the "quick view". Below is a quick view of a lab result.
Among the icons in the upper right corner, the arrow allows you to detach the contents of the quick view, i.e. open it in another window. Very useful to move it to another screen for example!
Two quick views can thus be detached for comparison.
You can even detach the note in edition and write it while browsing the rest of the file in the other window.
Detaching the Summary
If you are working with two screens, click to view your patient's summary in an external window and then move it to your second screen. When you change charts, the summary will also change to the new chart. You can also edit the summary in the detached window.
Opening multiple Ofys Pro
Did you know that you can use Ofys Pro on multiple screens, and open an unlimited number of windows?
Viewing parts of the chart in an external window
When viewing a patient's chart, click on any item (e.g. a lab) to view it. It will open in what is called the "quick view". Below is a quick view of a lab result.
Among the icons in the upper right corner, the arrow allows you to detach the contents of the quick view, i.e. open it in another window. Very useful to move it to another screen for example!
Two quick views can thus be detached for comparison.
You can even detach the note in edition and write it while browsing the rest of the file in the other window.
Detaching the Summary
If you are working with two screens, click to view your patient's summary in an external window and then move it to your second screen. When you change charts, the summary will also change to the new chart. You can also edit the summary in the detached window.
Opening multiple Ofys Pro