Communicating with your patients via Ofys, as easy as one-two-three.
TelMed Ofys
A secure video consultation feature directly in your Electronic Medical Record, for telemedicine.
25 hours in a day ?
Unfortunately, there are 24 hours in a day and that number is not likely to increase. But if your EMR makes
you save time by eliminating waiting time, it’s as if. With Ofys, more efficiency, less frustration.
Put away your calculator and pen, Ofys Pro does it for you.
"How much is that in pounds, doctor?" With Ofys, you can answer that question straightaway. You'll even have
access to the growth charts and BMI calculation before you even save.
Self check-in kiosk integrated with Ofys
Would you like to make your reception more efficient and reduce your secretarial costs? Opt for a self
check-in kiosk fully integrated with your EMR.
Appointment confirmation by text and email
When a patient doesn't show up for their appointment, it's time and money lost, and your productivity takes a
hit. Use the best tools like Ofys to avoid these situations!
Logiciels Info-Data, also a billing agency.
Want to leave your billing in good hands? We will take care of it. Contact us!
Ofys has joined forces with RxVigilance.
Ofys has partnered with RxVigilance to provide you with the best therapeutic advisor in the province and
support you in your decisions.
Clinical monitoring without a single click
Simply drag the mouse over a piece of data in a lab result to see the latest values for that test appear in a
table and as a chart.
Simple file editing
It is even easier and faster to edit a patient's record. With a simple click, indicate that they have no
known allergy.
Today I realized how much better it went with Ofys!
I really like the software, I'm happy and I think we made a great choice, the best for us!
Here is what I can attest to as a frequent user of their products for years:
excellent (even exceptional) customer service, on a human scale (I know our main contacts at Ofys by their first names)
our criticisms or suggestions are always taken into account and the product adapts according to our needs
the user experience seems generally excellent to me
I love the integration with the DSQ: every morning when I arrive, I press an icon and the DSQ data of my patients for the day are massively downloaded and become visible in their
electronic file (very practical ), which saves me +++ time and energy in consulting previous results
their communication platform with patients (Sofy = anagram of Ofys) is very practical, I use it every day
I completed the Ofys training and WOW!
I can't believe how powerful this EMR looks!
What impresses me is the attention to detail to meet the most trivial needs of doctors. Shortcuts, multi-functions, tooltips, the outsource function... in short, everything to save
I have worked with 4 EMRs to date and none come close to matching you. It's like you're in another category.
Having used several EMRs over the past decade and published research on EMRs for Canada Health Infoway I
can say without a doubt that OFYS is the "best of breed" in Quebec and most likely Canada.
Of particular importance to clinicians is its:
Accommodation and facilitation of the natural workflow of the clinical encounter;
Integration with the Dossier Sante Quebec and results management;
Responsive and knowledgeable support team
Best of all I don't get a headache like I do with the other EMR I must use.
Thank you again for all of your help.
We are really impressed by your attention and customer support.
We are so pleased with Ofys and Sofy!
Ofys is everything I expect from an EMR: organized, fast, integrated DSQ labs and prescriptions profile,
patient portal for online appointment scheduling and more.
And most importantly, a support team that
exceeds expectations, is approachable, and solution-oriented!
Choose a data transfer that meets your expectations.
Our data migration tool, Migra, always ensures a high quality data transfer.
Over the past years, several health centers have turned to Ofys for their EMR, and they have all trusted us in the transfer of their patient data. Our references can testify that it is
a great success!
Our team has expertise in the transfer of Kinlogix, Medesync, MYLE, Omnimed, MobileMed, and others. With Ofys, no data is lost, and the files remain structured.
Ofys is a certified Electronic Medical Record since 2011. It is the evolution of Med-Office, which was part of
the first wave of licensed health softwares in Quebec.
All-in-one solution for a paperless clinic. Everything you need is there: integrated fax, electronic signature,
self check-in, patient portal, and more.
Ofys is an intuitive and innovative product that will last over time. Choose a solution for the long term.
Discover our new platform Sofy - Rendez-vous Hub
You can now search for an appointment among all the appointments available on the government platform! Sofy - Rendez-vous Hub, which is connected to the provincial orchestrator, makes it
easier to get a walk-in appointment with a doctor.
Logiciels Info-Data has been supporting the SPOT clinic
in Quebec City since 2014, a non-profit organization
whose mission is to improve the health of vulnerable and marginalized people. To support this social
initiative, the company offers the use of its Electronic Medical Record Ofys, free of charge. Having access to
electronic records improves the quality of care and facilitates the follow-up of this clientele in need.
Since February 2020, the company also supports the community-based organisation Nova Home Care, whose mission is to provide quality
in-home care to
individuals nearing the end of
life and the family members who support them.